Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hi Everyone!

     It has been a very long time since I have posted, I am ashamed to say.  Sometimes life gets in the way.  I must say this year it really did.  Just before Christmas we along with about 300,000 others lost power  during the ice storm.   The Christmas game plan was to finish wrapping Saturday and then begin some small sewing projects on Sunday, and then do the final clean-up of the house.  Saturday evening the lights went out, and they didn't come back on until Christmas Eve.  No lights, no heat, no stove, no electronics, but worst of all no sewing machine for 3 days!  That's what I get for leaving the sewing till the last minute. Anyway we survived it and Christmas came and went, and it is all a distant memory.  As I sit watching the weather channel preparing for the next storm that is on it's way,  I have decided to focus on Spring.  I made a road trip to Lee Valley Tools (One of my very favorite stores) to spend a gift card that I got for Christmas.
Gardening Supplies
My Mantle

 At this time of year I usually crave colour, so once again I hauled out my KaffeFassett fabrics.  I have a few ideas that I have been working on using EQ7, so stay tuned.  In the mean time I thought I would show you the last Kaffe Fassett quilt that I finished.  I haven't photographed the finished quilt yet, but here is the top.  I just love working with his fabrics!
 Log Cabin Quilt
I would love to hear what you are up to and what your next project is going to be!  I promise I will blog more often this year.  Bye for now.  Jeannie


Michele T said...

I hope that you stayed warm with no power... that would be challenging!! Love your quilt - gorgeous colours and design!! Looking forward to more inspiration in the new year!!!

fiberchick said...

What a beautiful quilt! We too lost power and with the current temp being what it is, am a bit over this winter... I admire your optimism in thinking ahead to spring. Isn't Lee Valley just the best?!

Ulla's Quilt World said...

So lovely! :)
Greetings from Finland!
Hugs, Ulla