Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lots of Hand Sewing

We really do take our health for granted.  I had a minor surgery on Tuesday and was told not to lift anything heavy for 4 to 6 weeks.  I must say not doing laundry or cutting lawns or shovelling compost onto my gardens hasn't broken my heart.  But all my DIY projects, longarm quilting, that is another story.  The bright side to all of this is I get to hand stitch.  And there is no shortage of hand stitching in my project bins.  This is where I am currently hanging out.

My Hand Sewing Station

Jaxy and Albert

And my two pals that I am hanging out with.  My latest project started out at work with this pattern.

It is so pretty when it is finished.  Because I am still in my Japanese neutrals phase, I thought I would use them in this project.  I also thought I would make more than the nine blocks that they called for.

Hexagon Blocks
    Changing the shape of the block to a hexagon  might  be a  little fussier to assemble but I think it will be worth it in the long run. Stay tuned, this is a long term project, I will keep you updated on my progress.

     I bought my very first jelly roll the other day.  I needed it like a hole in the head but it was so beautiful.  It is one of the Kona Solids.  I have a huge stash of solids and believe it or not only a few of my colours were duplicates.  I am not sure what I am going to make with it yet, but  I have wanted to make a solid quilt for a long time.  When I am not stitching I can be dreaming .....for the next few weeks anyway! 


fiberchick said...

Your hexie blocks are beautiful and I can't wait to see the end result... Feel better soon!

Happy Turtle said...

:) I see the pets are good company :)